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Earl Campbell

VP Quantum Science

Earl  Campbell
Areas of specialisation
Quantum error correction

Most people are familiar with fault-tolerance even if they don’t realise it. I like to compare with how compact discs tolerate some mild scratching.

Earl is a world expert in quantum error correction with nearly two decades of experience in creating fresh design concepts for fault-tolerant quantum computing architectures. During his career, Earl has made significant contributions to quantum error correction, fault-tolerant quantum logic and compilation, and quantum algorithms--with 80+ publications and authoring the premier review on quantum error correction in Nature.

Career history

  • Senior Research Scientist (2020-2022), AWS

  • ESPRC Early Career Research Fellow and Senior Lecturer, University of Sheffield (2014 - 2021)

  • Postdoctoral Research Associate (2010-2015), Postdam University, Free University Berlin, University of Sheffield

  • Royal commission 1851 fellow (2008-2010), University College London


  • University of Oxford, PhD, Quantum Computing

