World leading quantum error decoding
Quantum error decoding creates order from chaos. It takes information by measuring many noisy qubits, and “decodes” this information to remove the noise and allow the quantum computation to run. The more qubits used to run a calculation, the more we can reduce errors.
But there’s a catch: the more qubits used to make a logical qubit, the longer it takes to decode. Our parallel window decoding method solves the backlog of errors from multiple logical qubits, enabling scalable fault tolerant quantum computation.
Our proprietary and non-proprietary decoders work across qubit modalities
- Our Collision Clustering decoder takes the output of a whole QEC experiment and decodes it as a single batch of all the syndrome data generated by that experiment. It completes this task quickly and in a reliable amount of time.
- Our Ambiguity Clustering decoder is designed to decode qLDPC codes orders of magnitude faster than the industry standard. It is now available in QEC Explorer with a range of non-proprietary decoders.
- Our Local Clustering Decoder (LCD) will be available later in 2024. It extends on the functionality of our Collision Clustering decoder and can handle leakage. It will be the world’s first streaming decoder.
Start your quantum error correction journey
QEC Explorer helps you get QEC ready, providing a range of decoders for offline experiments and simulations.
Our roadmap to a MegaQuOp
We’re exploring a range of decoding options as we develop the wider QEC Stack, Deltaflow, to accelerate quantum computing’s path to performance beyond the supercomputing threshold.
The Riverlane Roadmap explains how and when we’ll unlock a million error-free quantum operations for our partners by 2026. We call this threshold: the MegaQuOp.