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QEC Explorer

Decode and analyse quantum error correction experiments and simulations

QEC Explorer integrates high accuracy software decoders and noise analysis tools into quantum error correction experiment workflows.

Benchmark the logical fidelity of your experiments and production devices, and analyse noise sources to improve logical fidelities for future experiments,

QEC Explorer offers offline decoding capabilities that are complementary to Riverlane's real-time hardware decoders.

Getting started with QEC Explorer is quick and easy: all features, from simulation to cutting-edge decoding, are available through Jupyter notebooks. You can learn more about QEC Explorer’s capabilities by accessing the documentation.

Contact us to trial QEC Explorer today

Key Feature

Introducing Riverlane's Ambiguity Clustering Decoder

A qLDPC decoder that’s 150x faster than the industry standard. 

qLDPC codes can make do with far fewer physical qubits than the current, leading quantum error correction code: the surface code. But we still need to be able to decode qLDPC codes in order to take advantage of this qubit reduction. 

That's where Ambiguity Clustering comes in. A new super-fast method that’s reduced quantum decoding times for one qLDPC code experiment from 1.5 hours to half a minute! 

Read the full paper here

Our proprietary AC decoder is now available in the latest version of our analytics tool QEC Explorer. Request a demo for more information.

QEC Explorer Capabilities

Benchmark logical fidelity by decoding measurement data from QEC experiments or simulations

Diagnose noise sources from QEC experiments by analysing defect rates and correlation matrices

Decode QEC experiments and simulations using open-source decoders, as well as Riverlane proprietary decoders

Improve decoding accuracy by using measurement data to determine decoding graph