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We’ve created a world class team of experts to perform research and development on quantum error correction, quantum computing and industry applications.

We partner with leading quantum hardware companies and university labs to advance the design, engineering and benchmarking of quantum computers, with a core focus on quantum error correction.

We work with leading industry partners in the pharmaceutical, climate science, advanced materials and aerospace sectors to identify specific areas where quantum computing will drive the greatest advances in human progress.

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Fault-tolerant quantum simulation of generalized Hubbard models

Fault-tolerant quantum simulation of generalized Hubbard models

Andreas Juul Bay-Smidt, Frederik Ravn Klausen, Christoph Sünderhauf, Róbert Izsák, Gemma C. Solomon, Nick S. Blunt
Local Clustering Decoder: a fast and adaptive hardware decoder for the surface code

Local Clustering Decoder: a fast and adaptive hardware decoder for the surface code

Abbas B. Ziad, Ankit Zalawadiya, Canberk Topal, Joan Camps, György P. Gehér, Matthew P. Stafford, Mark L. Turner
Tailoring Dynamical Codes for Biased Noise: The X3Z3 Floquet Code

Tailoring Dynamical Codes for Biased Noise: The X3Z3 Floquet Code

F. Setiawan, Campbell McLauchlan
A quantum computing approach to fixed-node Monte Carlo using classical shadows

A quantum computing approach to fixed-node Monte Carlo using classical shadows

Nick S. Blunt, Laura Caune, Javiera Quiroz-Fernandez
Demonstrating real-time and low-latency quantum error correction with superconducting qubits

Demonstrating real-time and low-latency quantum error correction with superconducting qubits

Laura Caune, Luka Skoric, Nick S. Blunt, Archibald Ruban, Jimmy McDaniel, Joseph A. Valery, Andrew D. Patterson, Alexander V. Gramolin, Joonas Majaniemi, Kenton M. Barnes, Tomasz Bialas, Okan Buğdaycı, Ophelia Crawford, György P. Gehér, Hari Krovi, Elisha Matekole, Canberk Topal, Stefano Poletto, Michael Bryant, Kalan Snyder, Neil I. Gillespie, Glenn Jones, Kauser Johar, Earl T. Campbell, Alexander D. Hill
Quantum state preparation via piecewise QSVT

Quantum state preparation via piecewise QSVT

Oliver O'Brien, Christoph Sünderhauf
Pauli Decomposition via the Fast Walsh-Hadamard Transform

Pauli Decomposition via the Fast Walsh-Hadamard Transform

Timothy N. Georges, Bjorn K. Berntson, Christoph Sünderhauf, Aleksei V. Ivanov
Quantum Simulations of Chemistry in First Quantization with any Basis Set

Quantum Simulations of Chemistry in First Quantization with any Basis Set

Timothy N. Georges, Marius Bothe, Christoph Sünderhauf, Bjorn K. Berntson, Róbert Izsák, Aleksei V. Ivanov
Quantum Computation of Electronic Structure with Projector Augmented-Wave Method and Plane Wave Basis Set

Quantum Computation of Electronic Structure with Projector Augmented-Wave Method and Plane Wave Basis Set

Aleksei V. Ivanov, Andrew Patterson, Marius Bothe, Christoph Sünderhauf, Bjorn K. Berntson, Jens Jørgen Mortensen, Mikael Kuisma, Earl Campbell, Róbert Izsák
To reset, or not to reset - that is the question

To reset, or not to reset - that is the question

György P. Gehér, Marcin Jastrzebski, Earl T. Campbell, Ophelia Crawford
Ambiguity Clustering: an accurate and efficient decoder for qLDPC codes

Ambiguity Clustering: an accurate and efficient decoder for qLDPC codes

Stasiu Wolanski, Ben Barber
Leakage Mobility in Superconducting Qubits as a Leakage Reduction Unit

Leakage Mobility in Superconducting Qubits as a Leakage Reduction Unit

Joan Camps, Ophelia Crawford, György P. Gehér, Alexander V. Gramolin, Matthew P. Stafford, Mark Turner
Complementary polynomials in quantum signal processing

Complementary polynomials in quantum signal processing

Bjorn K. Berntson, Christoph Sünderhauf
Accommodating Fabrication Defects on Floquet Codes with Minimal Hardware Requirements
Quantum Journal

Accommodating Fabrication Defects on Floquet Codes with Minimal Hardware Requirements

Campbell McLauchlan, György P. Gehér, and Alexandra E. Moylett
Quantum Journal
Tangling schedules eases hardware connectivity requirements for quantum error correction
PRX Quantum

Tangling schedules eases hardware connectivity requirements for quantum error correction

Gyorgy P. Geher, Ophelia Crawford, Earl T. Campbell
PRX Quantum
Reducing the error rate of a superconducting logical qubit using analog readout information
Physical Review Applied

Reducing the error rate of a superconducting logical qubit using analog readout information

Hany Ali, Jorge Marques, Ophelia Crawford, Joonas Majaniemi, Marc Serra-Peralta, David Byfield, Boris Varbanov, Barbara M. Terhal, Leonardo DiCarlo, Earl T. Campbell
Physical Review Applied
Block-encoding structured matrices for data input in quantum computing
Quantum Journal

Block-encoding structured matrices for data input in quantum computing

Christoph Sünderhauf, Earl Campbell, Joan Camps
Quantum Journal
Error-corrected Hadamard gate simulated at the circuit level
Quantum Journal

Error-corrected Hadamard gate simulated at the circuit level

György P. Gehér, Campbell McLauchlan, Earl T. Campbell, Alexandra E. Moylett, Ophelia Crawford
Quantum Journal