In his talk at the world's leading quantum error correction conference, QEC23, our Head of Decoding, Neil Gillespie explained why we need real-time quantum decoding to unlock useful quantum computing and how the world's most powerful quantum decoder from Riverlane works:
This work was recently published on the arXiv and you can read more about the paper here.
Neil explained how Riverlane’s latest quantum decoder balances the speed, accuracy, cost, hardware and power requirements to provide a practical route to error-corrected quantum computing, including details around our parallel decoding paper and FPGA and ASIC implementations.
Our VP of Quantum Science, Earl Campbell, also gave his deep dive into the full range of talks at QEC23 in a recent blog post. His insights included:
- QEC has arrived: quantum error correction has cemented itself as the core challenge for fault-tolerant quantum computing;
- Neutral atom shock: progress with these qubits is fast and opening up many options for future QEC experiments;
- The unexpected rise of erasure qubits: with three QEC23 talks on this emerging topic;
- Real progress in real-time decoding: mentioning both Neil's talk and PsiQuantum’s impressive simulations;
- Circuits not codes: QEC thinking has pivoted to a circuit-centric way of thinking with Floquet codes leading the way;
- qLDPC codes move to the mainstream: but there’s still a long way to go to realise practical experiments.
You can read more from Earl on QEC23 here. All of the QEC23 talks are also available to view here.