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APS March Meeting 2023

APS March Meeting 2023
2 March, 2023

The American Physical Society’s March meeting is one of the most significant events in the quantum calendar, bringing together thousands of scientists and students from across the globe to collaborate across academia, industry and major labs.

Riverlane will be represented in 7 talks, 5 of which are presenters, and 2 of which are co-authored papers. Details of our speakers and their talks are below:


Talk Title

Date and time (PST)


Ben Barber

Post-selection-free preparation of high-quality physical qubits

Mar 7 10am


Christoph Sunderhauf

Quantum computation for periodic solids in second quantization

Mar 7 10:48am


Earl Campbell

Parallel window decoding enables scalable fault tolerant quantum computing

Mar 7 3pm


FTU Setiawan

Fast and robust geometric two-qubit gates for superconducting qubits and beyond

Mar 8 11:54am


Elisha Siddiqui

Decoding surface codes with deep reinforcement learning and probabilistic policy reuse

Mar 10 10:12am



Also, check out the following talks, co-authored by Riverlane:

Francesco Battistel

Real-time decoding for fault-tolerant quantum computing: Towards higher decoding speed and lower communication latency

Mar 7 3:48pm


Hannes Jonsson (Virtual)

Excited singlet and triplet states of the negatively charged NV-center in diamond calculated using a variation density functional approach


Mar 21 6am



Find a full list of our research papers, and read them in full, via our Research page. See you in Vegas!

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