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Introducing the world’s first low-latency QEC experiment

16 October 2024 Earl Campbell, VP Quantum Science

There are two very real requirements for quantum error correction (QEC) at scale: we need real-time QEC on real hardware. Riverlane demonstrated low-latency feedback with a scalable FPGA decoder integrated into the control system of one of Rigetti’s superconducting quantum processors. 

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Riverlane leads UK consortium to build auto-calibrated quantum control system ‘Deltaflow.Control’
Press release

Riverlane leads UK consortium to build auto-calibrated quantum control system ‘Deltaflow.Control’

21 March 2022 Amy Flower, Senior Marketing Manager
From Von Neumann to systems engineering: what quantum can learn from classical computing

From Von Neumann to systems engineering: what quantum can learn from classical computing

08 March 2022 Steve Brierley, CEO and Founder
Enabling the hydrogen economy through quantum computing

Enabling the hydrogen economy through quantum computing

09 February 2022 Aleksei Ivanov, Senior Quantum Scientist
Riverlane appoints leading scientist Dr. Earl Campbell to accelerate efforts to solve quantum error correction
Press release

Riverlane appoints leading scientist Dr. Earl Campbell to accelerate efforts to solve quantum error correction

24 January 2022 Amy Flower, Senior Marketing Manager
Riverlane joins £7.5 million consortium to build error corrected quantum processor
Press release

Riverlane joins £7.5 million consortium to build error corrected quantum processor

21 December 2021 Amy Flower, Senior Marketing Manager
Match of the decade: the ultimate game of quantum football

Match of the decade: the ultimate game of quantum football

09 December 2021 Amy Flower, Senior Marketing Manager
Riverlane convenes panel of world-leading experts on quantum error correction

Riverlane convenes panel of world-leading experts on quantum error correction

03 December 2021 Amy Flower, Senior Marketing Manager
Catalyst within quantum computer

Designing better catalysts with quantum computers

21 November 2021 Amy Flower, Senior Marketing Manager
Riverlane appoints Glenn Manoff as Chief Marketing Officer
Press release

Riverlane appoints Glenn Manoff as Chief Marketing Officer

18 November 2021 Amy Flower, Senior Marketing Manager
Riverlane appoints Cory Vander Jagt as Vice President of Business Development and Strategic Alliances
Press release

Riverlane appoints Cory Vander Jagt as Vice President of Business Development and Strategic Alliances

10 November 2021 Amy Flower, Senior Marketing Manager
How quantum computing can help tackle climate change

How quantum computing can help tackle climate change

04 November 2021
Riverlane appoints eminent quantum physicist Jake Taylor as Chief Science Officer
Press release

Riverlane appoints eminent quantum physicist Jake Taylor as Chief Science Officer

03 November 2021 Amy Flower, Senior Marketing Manager
A major step towards the world’s first universal quantum operating system

A major step towards the world’s first universal quantum operating system

22 September 2021 Marco Ghibaudi, VP Engineering
Riverlane team standing on steps and looking to the sky
Press release

Riverlane awarded the first contract to supply quantum software to the UK’s National Quantum Computing Centre

11 August 2021 Amy Flower, Senior Marketing Manager
Celebrating the first five years of Riverlane: a look at how far we’ve come

Celebrating the first five years of Riverlane: a look at how far we’ve come

19 July 2021 Steve Brierley, CEO and Founder
Riverlane and Astex Pharmaceuticals join forces with Rigetti Computing to drive drug discovery forward
Press release

Riverlane and Astex Pharmaceuticals join forces with Rigetti Computing to drive drug discovery forward

13 July 2021 Amy Flower, Senior Marketing Manager
Riverlane secures $20 million in Series A funding
Press release

Riverlane secures $20 million in Series A funding

25 January 2021 Amy Flower, Senior Marketing Manager
Riverlane paper published in Quantum journal
Technical update

Riverlane paper published in Quantum journal

21 January 2021 Amy Flower, Senior Marketing Manager